Hi. My name is Mary Andrews. I write paranormal science fiction which I call Psionic sci fi:
Welcome to my worlds.
I am currently studying screenwriting and am almost a thousand more rewrites away from bringing my Fireborn pilots to market for streaming series-es.
Welcome to my worlds.
I am currently studying screenwriting and am almost a thousand more rewrites away from bringing my Fireborn pilots to market for streaming series-es.
April 15-16 Lubbock Texas, Civic Center Friday Premier Night (ticketed event) 7:00-9:00pm Saturday10:00am-6:00 pm Sunday: 12:00-5:00pm The Write Right Critique Group is hosting local authors and their works on the pedestrian walkway (usually across from the theater). Join us to meet the authors, write with the writers, and buy their books. AMA-CON 2023
August 5 & 6 Amarillo Texas, Amarillo Civic Center Saturday 6, 11:00am-7:00pm Sunday 7, 12: noon-6:00pm Amarillo Friends of the Library hosts a Pop Culture Festival. Meet authors, artists, cosplayers, steampunkers, and more. Experience fandom at its most fantastic. And, I'll have my booth (Momma Rom's Exotica) featuring my Fireborn Chronicles books and authors from Lubbock's WRCG (Write Write Critique Group) with their books and some art. Look them up online. This will be their first indoor event since Covid and they plan to be back in full force at the Amarillo Civic Center. LUBBOCK CON 2023
February 25 & 26 Lubbock, Texas Civic Center Saturday Sunday Gaming, Cosplay, Superheroes, Merchants galore...and me. Meet the Kracken, discover PSIONIC SCI FI (The inevitable fusion of Man, Machine, the Paranormal, and now...the Supernatural.) and rock on! LUBBOCK BOOK FESTIVAL 2023 November 4-5 Cotton Court Hotel downtown Lubbock theme: Golden Age Hollywood Saturday Sunday TITLES, BLURBS & LINKS BOOK I THE FIREBORN CHRONICLES FIREBORN FOUND Available in Trade Paperback & Ebook Below is an excerpt from an interview with Ruth Pennebaker, producer of the PBS Series STATE OF TOMORROW. She requested the interview as a follow up to my appearance on the sixth episode, "DIABETES AND OBESITY". Both the episode and interview should still be available at http://www.stateoftomorrow.com/features/mary andrews.htm Tell me about your novel.
The first book of THE FIREBORN CHRONICLES has been released in both eBook and trade paperback. It is a science fiction story that takes place in a future where The Universal Government has offered a solution to most planets biggest problem: criminal and nonproductive members of society. Each planet remains free to determine for themselves what constitutes an unacceptable faction. Then The Universal Government will remove them, and employ them on the Hive Planet. Workers of the Hive are addicted to a wonderful and all-encompassing drug which can only be earned by working, thus converting each planet's formerly unproductive and dangerous elements into a universal workforce that provides the ultimate interplanetary temp service across a truly universal web. Since its creation, only one person has ever escaped the Hive Planet: A newborn, fully implanted with compu-link interface temple plates, but not yet introduced to the drug. He now leads a Dark Ops unit for The Gov on a mission to uncover a psionic ring of criminals who have inexplicably mind-jacked an important Government Ambassador. What they find will change the universe. This is book 1 of the series. It contains three short stories which introduce the main characters as they are recruited to the Nemesis Team. Then in a novella-length mission, they meet another and their real adventure begins. FYI: In high school, I remember reading an epic poem, The People, Yes by Carl Sandburg. Though originally directed towards the need to form unions in America, It beautifully illuminated the resilience and power that resides within us. This is my favorite passage: This old anvil has seen many broken hammers All of my characters are at home in flame, hence the
All major stores like Barnes & Nobel can order the book with the ISBN number. Also available during personal appearances as they are scheduled. POD book distributed by Ingram.
![]() EBOOK PURCHASE SITES The Fireborn Chronicles: Fireborn Found ==Author’s Edition== ISBN: 978-1-934041-49-9 SMASHWORDS ISBN: 9781301212019 (click on links) SMASHWORDS AMAZON-KINDLE BARNES & NOBLE Cover & internal art by Kathleen Cavazos: http://rynjenji.deviantart.com/gallery/ Author's edition of book I includes some writing tweaks, author notes, and a new cover. ![]() TRADE PAPERBACK PURCHASE SITES: The Fireborn Chronicles: Fireborn Found ==Author Edition== ISBN: 978-1-514187-20-3 (click on links) AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE Author Edition cover art by Kathleen Cavazos: http://rynjenji.deviantart.com/gallery/ ![]() TRADE PAPERBACK PURCHASE SITES: The Fireborn Chronicles: Fireborn Found ==Original Edition== ISBN: 978-1-934041-50-5 SWIMMING KANGAROO PUBLISHING (click on links, but may no longer be available) AMAZON (Swimming Kangaroo pub) Original cover art by Laura Diehl http://www.ldiehl.com/ BOOK II
THE FIREBORN CHRONICLES RESONANCES Available in Trade Paperback & Ebook THEY’RE BACK! Once again the Dark Ops crew of the Nemesis is called into action, but this time it's personal.
When a former team member is kidnapped on a Hive drug mining planet, both the Universal Government and the new Corporate Overlord have to respond. For the first time, the Nemesis team and the Corporate Archangels join forces against a psychic vampire, his strange twin brother, and the Oracle menace threatening their universe. Ride along as they find how slavery can be liberating, ![]() TRADE PAPERBACK PURCHASE SITES The Fireborn Chronicles: Resonances =Author's Edition= PRINT ISBN: 978-1-514683-64-4 (click on links) AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE Cover & internal art by Kathleen Cavazos: http://rynjenji.deviantart.com/gallery/ ![]() EBOOK PURCHASE SITES The Fireborn Chronicles: Resonances eBook ISBN:978-0-9865875-5-9 SMASHWORDS ISBN: 978-1-005729-8-9-9 (click on links) SMASHWORDS BARNES & NOBLE AMAZON Books are POD (print on demand) from Ingram. All major stores like Barnes & Nobel can order the book with ISBN number. Also available from author.
Cover art by Kathleen Cavazos. BOOK III
THE FIREBORN CHRONICLES REVELATIONS Author's Edition available in Ebook & Trade Paperback The prophecy tells of their arrival. After Earth's destruction, humans have scattered and spread across the universe. The peace is kept by a universal government.
Four rogue talents unite to become an invincible Government dark ops team--the Nemesis Team. But an unknown planet has turned up; a planet ruled by Oracles whose agents may be usurping The Government and suddenly, nothing is what it seems. Upon meeting the star-faring Roma and the inhabitants of the mysterious Oracle Planet, complications begin to pile up. Together the Fireborn are keepers of the peace, of the past, and of the future. Prophesy dictates they will save the Oracle Planet, but how are these reluctant heroes and their uneasy allies expected to save a planet with an asteroid bearing down on it? Also available from author at personal appearances. All major stores like Barnes & Noble can order the book with the ISBN number.
![]() TRADE PAPERBACK & EBOOK PURCHASE SITES The Fireborn Chronicles: Revelations ==Author's Edition== ISBN 13-978-149-597-9118 SMASHWORDS eBook ISBN: 9781005821265 (click on links) (Print & eBook available: AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE ) (EBOOK ONLY-- SMASHWORDS) |
I am currently the 4th Director of the Write Right Critique Group,
which has been in existence for over 25 years in Lubbock, Texas. We meet every Tuesday night at Maxey Community Center. There are no fees. Our membership includes both novice writers and published authors of all genres. ![]() I'm not really one for blasting people with ads, but with all the research I've been doing, I couldn't help but wonder why the wondrous advancements in science haven't been better publicized. So I started posting them as I found them. Of course, many of the subjects I list actually may apply to the books I'm writing now, but that's just gravy. Check out my FB book page and know that truth is stranger than fiction.
Since 2012, the Write Right Critique group has had a booth on near the Civic Center Theater on the pedestrian walkway at the Lubbock Arts Festival. In it, we host a WRITE WITH THE WRITERS table for kids to sit down and write a story with us.
Our getting-larger each-year. MEET THE AUTHORS tables allow our published members to visit with readers, as well as sell and autograph their books. Drop by, meet local Authors, buy our books, and let the kids Write With The Writers at our kid-stop. |
Bat in the moon * a prequel *
Available in Trade Paperback & EBOOK

“Consider the history of monsters. Where did they come from? Where did they go? Do we think them extinct because we no longer see them? Or do they walk among us—evolved into something more? –Eric Barrows
In the not-so-distant future, the source of Earth’s annihilation, is discovered in the far reaches of space.
The massive asteroid bearing down on the planet is unstoppable and with little more than half a century left to save the human race, drastic measures are set in motion. An infallible set of Oracles —Roma triplets, mere teens—enact a world-wide plan. and, Eric Barrow, the last vampire on Earth, is coerced to build the first base on the Moon. But when he finishes, he discovers he's expected to act as vanguard for Earth's evacuation to Mars to save the very people who destroyed his kind. ![]() THE FIREBORN CHRONICLES: BAT IN THE MOON ***a prequel*** Available in Trade Paperback & Ebook (click on links) AMAZON (print & eBook) SMASHWORDS (eBook only) Cover art by Kathleen Cavazos. THE KING JAMES BIBLE COLORING BOOK PROJECT |
I've finally started setting up my Bible project. I'm looking for artists or groups of students to help illustrate. It's meant to be used as a Bible study guide for parents and their children, teachers and their students, or just anyone who might like to sit and contemplate the word.
The coloring pages are free to download for non-commercial purposes. I've set the project up at http://bible-project.deviantart.com/gallery/ because it is an artist community and might help me find more volunteers. Pages are free and downloadable there.
Artists will be asked to respectfully render B&W illustrations from the unaltered text of the King James version of the Bible in any style of art. I did the first chapter of Genesis in doodle art style to make this point. I have plenty of chapters left and will try to accept all skill levels. This is a labor of love.
Please check out the BIBLE-PROJECT deviant art site as well. Anyone interested can contact me though this site or email me at [email protected] .
The coloring pages are free to download for non-commercial purposes. I've set the project up at http://bible-project.deviantart.com/gallery/ because it is an artist community and might help me find more volunteers. Pages are free and downloadable there.
Artists will be asked to respectfully render B&W illustrations from the unaltered text of the King James version of the Bible in any style of art. I did the first chapter of Genesis in doodle art style to make this point. I have plenty of chapters left and will try to accept all skill levels. This is a labor of love.
Please check out the BIBLE-PROJECT deviant art site as well. Anyone interested can contact me though this site or email me at [email protected] .
I'm a bit of a cat person so it's only right that I always have a virtual cat on my website. After all, all work and no play.... Please come back often, and when you do, feel free to play with Sparks He has a drag and drop toy and food in the MORE box below. --You can feed him by dragging out the can of cat food and double clicking on it. --Pet him and he will purr and jump out of the basket to play with you if he's in it . --When you double click on the basket he will jump back into it. |
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